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About LHS

Philosophy of Loranger High School 

It is our belief that the school should provide students with learning experience in a meaningful course of study which will encourage them to work to their greatest potential.  Further, it is our belief that the school should provide a well-planned program of democratic living for the students, designed for the purpose of building in them optimum growth--mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. 

We believe that the school should promote those skills and activities which aid the students in taking their rightful place in the community in which they plan to become a part.  In attaining this goal, the school will attempt to teach students, in their daily lives, the principles which will tend to make them want to assume their role as responsible citizens.  In teaching the students that they have a distinct function in our society, we must also teach them self-restraint in that , even though a democracy has its freedoms, it also has its obligations. 

If our efforts, combined with those of other agencies contributing to the local make-up of the individuals, result in the student's acquiring these traits, then they will be ready to take their places in society as well-adjusted individuals.

Vision of Loranger High School 

The vision of Loranger High School is to promote strong, positive connections that nurture individuals to be academically successful, socially respectful, and emotionally healthy so that they can find their unique pathways to be productive citizens and to pursue it with resilience and confidence.